Grilled Pizza
I know it’s super hot outside, but some of us still want pizza. I have heard tell of grilled pizza for quite some time, and even recommended it to recipients of an e-newsletter that I write. Disclaimer – No I don’t always try the recipes I recommend in the other newsletter. I’m sorry! I have things to do! But, the ones I post here, I really do try. Really! For reals! That’s how I get these wonderful photographs! Back to grilled pizza. Grilled Pizza is one of those things that at first sounds hard to do, and then you read the recipe and say, “Really, that’s all there is to it?” and are immediately skeptical. Then when you see someone do it, you say “Doy! It is totally easy!” Does that make any sense at all? I bet it does to some of you.
Yesterday I was at my parent’s house and my mom (who taught me everything I know about cooking and is probably one of the best mom chefs anywhere. I will fight you if you contradict me.) says “Let’s grill a pizza!”
I was all “What? Really? You know how to do it? I always thought it was a mysterious complicated process only to be attempted by the likes of Bobby Flay!”
“Bobby Flay? PFFFT! I use Alton Brown’s recipe and instructions. It’s super easy!” My mom is a purist. You can tell by her loyalty to Alton.
“Aight’ Ma! Let’s do this! Also, I’m going to take pictures of you for my blog.”
“Fine, but not my face.” Ok, my mom might not have actually said that, but she thought it. She hates having her picture taken.
Basically whatever you want, the only thing you really need is some dough (mom used frozen but you can make your own) ,toppings and extra virgin olive oil.
1. Get your shit together. Mom says this is KEY. (I think this pertains to life in general, so does my mom, however right now we’re talking about your pizza supplies.) See how she has everything there on the pan: sauce, cheese, spices, tongs, oil and pastry brush. Once you get this thing on the grill you do NOT want to have to keep running back into the house.
2a. Did I tell you to fire up your grill yet? Yeah you should have done that already. Get it smoking hot. Like this:
5. Let the dough cook until it’s all nice and browned underneath. It takes a few minutes. It may get all bubbly on top, like this:
Someone just pointed out to me that I didn't say if it was good or not. Oops! YES! It's so, so, so good. Unbelievably good.
Wow! That is amazing. Your mom IS a cooking ninja. What the heck is truffle salt like? Can I afford it? I dont have my own pig.
Stace, my mom got it from the Oyster Creek mushroom guy on the Standpipe Rd. in Damariscotta, it's right off the Biscay Rd. I think it was like $7. it's totally worth it, you just use a little at a time. He also sells truffle oil, for like $12, which seems like a lot but it'd probably last you years. Next time you come up to visit Dana's 'rents you should stop in! Here's the linky: